
  • tenecteplase (METALYSE) is a genetically modified form of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) with increased resistance to PAI, greater fibrin specificity, and a longer half-life (17±7min), allowing for a single bolus administration
    • historically, the term “tPA” has been used to refer to alteplase because it has long been the only tissue plasminogen activator in use
    • nowadays, it is important to use the name of the specific agent instead
  • tenecteplase appears to be a safe and effective alternative to alteplase for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS)
  • recent studies and trials have shown its efficacy and potential benefits over the standard thrombolytic treatment with alteplase
    • EXTEND-IA TNK showed a higher incidence of reperfusion and better functional outcome with TNK compared to alteplase in patients with large artery occlusion (LVO) followed by MT (complete reperfusion 22% with TNK vs. 10% with alteplase)
    • ACT (2022) and ATTEST-2 (2023) showed non-inferiority of TNK at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg compared to alteplase in a standard indication
    • meta-analysis of 4 RCTs in patients with LVO [Katsanos, 2020]
  • advantages over alteplase:
    • a single bolus administration is more convenient, reducing the complexity of care, especially in emergency settings
    • generally, tenecteplase is less expensive than alteplase
Tenectaplase (TNK)


Indication Dosage Comments
stroke < 4.5 hours 0.25 mg/kg safe and effective alternative to alteplase with easier administration as a single bolus
0.40 mg/kg the higher dose is not recommended due to the potential increased risk of sICH and the lack of additional benefit
stroke < 4.5 hours + large vessel occlusion (LVO) 0.25 mg/kg preferable over alteplase before mechanical thrombectomy (MT); higher reperfusion and better functional outcomes were observed
stroke on awakening or of unknown onset 0.25 mg/kg  not recommended without advanced imaging for patient selection
 a reasonable alternative to alteplase for patients who are eligible for IVT after selection with advanced imaging (FLAIR-DWI mismatch or perfusion mismatch)

Stroke onset 4.5 hours

  • tenecteplase (TNK) 0.25 mg/kg can be used as a safe and effective alternative to alteplase 0.9 mg/kg
    • tenecteplase at a dose of 0.40 mg/kg is not recommended (negative NOR-TEST 2 trial part A + in ExTEND-IA trial part 2, a dose of 0.40 mg/kg versus 0.25 mg/kg did not significantly improve reperfusion before MT)
  • guidelines suggest favoring tenecteplase 0.25 mg/kg over alteplase 0.9 mg/kg for patients with acute ischaemic stroke in light of safety and efficacy data and because tenecteplase can be administered with a single bolus rather than a 1-hour infusion (ESO guidelines, 2023)

Stroke onset > 4.5 hours

  • there are no hard data from trials, and this scenario is not discussed in recent ESO guidelines (2023)
  • administration of tenecteplase (TNK) in such cases is off-label
  • however, tenecteplase is suggested for WUS or stroke of unknown onset in selected patients based on advanced imaging; the same may apply for IVT beyond 4.5 hours (using the same imaging criteria as with alteplase)

Stroke onset ≤ 4.5h + large vessel occlusion (LVO)

  • tenecteplase 0.25 mg/kg over alteplase 0.9 mg/kg is recommended
  • patients with LVO who are directly admitted to a thrombectomy-capable center,  IVT with tenecteplase 0.25 mg/kg or 0.40 mg/kg is suggested over skipping IVT (ESO guidelines 2023)
  • patients with LVO who are admitted to a center without mechanical thrombectomy capability, tenecteplase 0.25 mg/kg followed by rapid transfer to a thrombectomy-capable center is recommended

Wake-up stroke (WUS)/unknown onset

  • patients with AIS on awakening from sleep or stroke of unknown onset selected with non-contrast CT:  tenecteplase 0.25 mg/kg outside the context of a clinical trial is not recommended
  • tenecteplase 0.25 mg/kg could be a reasonable alternative to alteplase 0.9 mg/kg for patients who are eligible for IVT after selection with advanced imaging (FLAIR-DWI mismatch or perfusion mismatch as outlined in the 2021 ESO Guidelines on IVT) (expert consensus)

Contraindications and adverse events

  • contraindications are same as for alteplase
  • most common adverse events:
    • bleeding, including intracranial hemorrhage
    • allergic reactions
    • hypotension
    • nausea and vomiting
    • fever​​

Administration, dosing

  • the recommended dose for acute ischemic stroke is 0.25 mg/kg body weight, with a maximum dose of 25 mg
  • the vial of tenecteplase (METALYSE) is diluted with the supplied solution
    • each vial contains 10,000 units (50 mg) of tenecteplase, and each pre-filled syringe contains 10 mL of solvent ⇒  the reconstituted solution contains 1000 IU/5mg per 1mL
  • the solution is administered as a single bolus injection over 5-10 seconds via a separate cannula (do not mix with other medications)
  • after that, continuous monitoring for signs of bleeding, neurological assessments, and blood pressure monitoring should be conducted regularly

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