Pupillary response

David Goldemund M.D.
Updated on 14/10/2024, published on 11/10/2024
  • examination of the pupils helps localize lesions in the visual pathways and autonomic nervous system
  • aids in monitoring neurological status (changes in pupil size, shape, and reactivity can indicate brainstem lesion, increased intracranial pressure, or impending herniation) → Pupillary response in unconscious patients
  • pupillary responses provide insight into sympathetic and parasympathetic integrity

Anatomy and physiology

Pupillary muscles

  • iris sphincter muscle (sphincter pupillae) is composed of smooth muscle fibers arranged in a circular pattern around the pupillary margin of the iris
    • it contracts to decrease the pupil’s diameter in bright light or during near vision (accommodation)
    • it is under parasympathetic control
  • iris dilator muscle (dilator pupillae) is radial in orientation
    • it dilates the pupil (mydriasis) in response to low light conditions, stress, or as the “fight-or-flight” response
    • it is under sympathetic control

Centers and pathways

Parasympathetic pathway (pupillary constriction – miosis)

  • Edinger-Westphal nucleus (midbrain) preganglionic fibers travel with the oculomotor nerve (CN III) → ciliary ganglion → postganglionic fibers innervate the sphincter pupillae muscle (via short ciliary nerves)
  • constricts the pupil in response to light and during accommodation
  • neurotransmitter: acetylcholine
  • receptors: muscarinic cholinergic receptors (primarily M3 subtype)

Sympathetic pathway (pupillary dilation – mydriasis)

  • hypothalamus → ciliospinal center of Budge (spinal cord levels C8–T2) preganglionic fibers exit the spinal cord and ascend to the superior cervical ganglion → postganglionic fibers travel along the internal carotid artery, through the cavernous sinus, and reach the dilator pupillae muscle (via the long ciliary nerves)
  • dilates the pupil in response to darkness (to increase light entry), stress, or fear
  • neurotransmitter: norepinephrine
  • receptors: alpha-1 adrenergic receptors

Sudomotor sympathetic pathway

  • postganglionic sudomotor fibers are part of the periarterial carotid plexus
    • sudomotor fibers for the medial forehead run along the ICA through the carotid canal
    • sudomotor fibers for the maxillary and mandibular regions run along the ECA
  • preganglionic lesions affect the entire ipsilateral side of the face; manifestation of postganglionic lesions depends on whether the plexus around the ICA or ECA is involved.
Sympathetic fibers

Pupillary reflexes

Light reflex

  • photoreceptors in the retina → optic nerve (CN II) → pretectal nuclei in the midbrain → bilateral Edinger-Westphal nuclei → sphincter pupillae
  • as a result, both pupils constrict when light is shone in one eye (direct and consensual responses)

Near reflex

  • pathway involves input from the visual cortex to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus and the oculomotor nucleus (CN III)
  • adjusts the optical system for near vision
    • pupil constriction improves the depth of focus
    • ciliary muscles adjust the lens curvature (accommodation)
    • medial rectus muscles turn the eyes inward (convergence)

Clinical examination

  • pupil size and shape
    • normal pupils are round, regular, and equal in size (isocoric) Normal pupils
      • in adults, the typical pupil size ranges from 2 to 4 mm in diameter in bright light and 4 to 8 mm in the dark
    • anisocoria (difference in pupil sizes) can be physiologic or pathologic
  • light reflex
    • the pupil constricts to direct illumination (direct response) and the illumination of the fellow eye (consensual response)
    • both pupils dilate in the dark
  • swinging flashlight test  →Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect (RAPD) or Marcus Gunn pupil
  • near/accommodation reflex
    • test requires voluntary effort
    • pupillary constriction and eye convergence occur when the patient focuses on a near object (along with accommodation)

Most common abnormalities

  • features:
    • mydriasis, unreactive to light
    • ptosis (due to levator palpebrae superioris paralysis)
    • ophthalmoplegia – eye positioned “down and out” due to unopposed lateral rectus and superior oblique muscles
  • causes: lesions affecting the oculomotor nerve, such as aneurysms (posterior communicating artery), tumors, or increased intracranial pressure

Oculomotor palsy
  • features:
    • miosis (due to unopposed parasympathetic activity)
    • semiptosis – paralysis of the superior tarsal muscle (Müller’s muscle)
    • enophthalmos 
    • anhidrosis on the affected side
      • sudomotor fibers for the maxillary and mandibular regions run along the ECA
      • sudomotor fibers for the medial forehead run along the ICA through the carotid canal
  • disruption of the sympathetic pathway at any point from the hypothalamus to the eye
    • first-order neuron lesion (hypothalamus)  – stroke, tumor
    • second-order neuron lesion (preganglionic) – Pancoast tumor, cervical trauma or surgery, aortic aneurysm
    • third-order neuron lesion (postganglionic) – carotid dissection, cluster headaches, cavernous sinus pathology
Horner syndrom

  • Adie tonic pupil, also known as Holmes-Adie syndrome, is a neurological disorder characterized by:
    • anisocoria with a dilated tonic pupil 
      • most cases are unilateral (80%) but can become bilateral 
      • anisocoria is greater in the light compared to in the dark (due to dysfunction of the parasympathetically innervated iris sphincter muscle ⇒ the large pupil is abnormal)
      • the pupils constrict more to accommodation than to light
      • a slit lamp examination often shows sectoral palsy of the iris sphincter, with vermiform movements of the pupillary margin
      • low-dose pilocarpine constricts the tonic pupil more than the normal pupil (due to hypersensitivity of denervated fibers), followed by a slow and sustained relaxation
    • loss of deep tendon reflexes (most commonly the Achilles reflex)
  • more common in young women
  • symptoms: photophobia and difficulty adapting to the dark
  • etiology: damage to postganglionic parasympathetic fibers in the ciliary ganglion, often idiopathic, viral, posttraumatic, etc.
  • pathophysiology:
    • damage to the ciliary ganglion causes denervation hypersensitivity with postsynaptic receptor upregulation
    • reinnervation process is often aberrant, and fibers intended for the ciliary body may end up in the pupil (aberrant regeneration)
    • as a result, near accommodation produces more miosis compared to the response to light; the reaction is tonic

  • affected pupil constricts less (appears to dilate) when the light is swung from the normal eye to the affected eye
  • caused by optic nerve damage (e.g., optic neuritis) or severe retinal disease
  • small, irregular pupils
  • light-near dissociation – pupils constrict poorly to light but normally constrict during accommodation
  • classically associated with neurosyphilis (DDx – dorsal midbrain lesion, diabetic neuropathy)

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Pupillary response